La Jolla Florist
Guaranteed Fresh
We’ve matched our range of stunning blooms to the personalities they suit best. Read on to find the ideal bunch for you!
Handcrafted With Love
Elegantly wrapped, finished with ribbon and presented in our signature black Interflora gift box. These stylish details will transform your flowers into a special gift that they'll love.
Freshness Guaranteed
Our talented and artisan florists hand-condition every stem. Only the freshest flowers are used and will look fabulous for 7 days or more.
Proudly Present
Fresh Flowers Of La Jolla
$224.95 - $449.95
$84.95 - $139.95
Free Flower Delivery in La Jolla
We can arrange for the very freshest flowers to be delivered anywhere in La Jolla and San Diego County.
Featured Flowers
Top Picks
$79.95 - $99.95
$149.95 - $179.95
La Jolla Flower Shop
Lilac Florist provides same-day flower delivery to the La Jolla, California area. As a family-owned business, we specialize in stunning flower arrangements, gourmet gift baskets, and plants. With the convenient location, we’re here to serve you.
Call or Visit Today!
Call Us
1 323 373 5790
Elegantly wrapped, finished with ribbon and presented in our signature gift box.
Visit Us
9473 Black Mountain Rd.
San Diego, CA 92126
Only the freshest flowers are used and will look fabulous for 7 days or more.