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Magical Moonlight Bouquet


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With our striking new bouquet, they’ll be giddy with delight. For a flowy, straight-out-of-the-garden look, a bright and rich combination of lavender, burgundy, and purple blooms are loosely gathered. This type of gift is ideal for preserving the enchantment of the occasion indefinitely. Lavender roses and stock, burgundy carnations, purple kale and waxflower, blue thistle, and garnished with other greenery make up beautiful all-around bouquet. Creatively crafted transparent glass vase.

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The arrangement is available in a number of tiers to fit your needs and preferences:

Standard: Some less fresh flowers will be added to a bouquet but still impresses.
Deluxe: A bouquet of fresh flowers of the best quality will be sent, with wow factor.
Premium: For the most discerning eye, we will enhance the presentation and attractiveness by adding even more flowers and greenery.

We hand-design each arrangement selecting only the freshest flowers available, so colors, varieties, and container may vary due to season and local availability.

Flowers may arrive in various stages of growth. The blooms will continue to open over the next few days, extending the arrangement’s life and your recipient’s enjoyment.

Due to supply issue we may have to substitute some flowers and containers, but we will strive to maintain the look and feel of your choice.


Regular, Deluxe, Premium

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